In the meantime, act on fair principle," insurance law "in return a regulation, to policy-holder prepaid insurance premium, the underwriter ought to return its cost of money according to insurance policy. 同时,本着公平的原则,《保险法》中还规定,对投保人已支付的保险费,保险人应当按照保险单退还其现金价值。
As far as Jaguar is concerned, the plan calls for a return to its premium traditions, eschewing volume models such as the unloved X-type. 对于捷豹,该计划要求其回归其优秀传统,远离大众车型例如不受欢迎的X系列。
In another version of this story, the US captures a return premium from selling debt and buying equity, to which it adds value, abroad. 另一种说法是,美国通过发行债券和购买海外股票(并使其增值)获得了回报溢价。
Based on CAPM, the authors obtained the expected return rate of entrepreneurs, the beta coefficient and risk premium of enterprises. 基于经典的资本资产定价(CAPM)理论,得到了企业家的期望收益率、企业的贝塔系数和风险溢价。
If the premium has been paid for less than two full years, the insurer shall return the premium after deducting the commissions according to the provisions of the contract. 未交足二年保险费的,保险人按照合同约定在扣除手续费后,退还保险费。
Also, the Bank can insure loans in return for a small premium. 世界银行还可为贷款提供保险获得一笔小额保险费。
In return, the units convert into stock at a premium of 20 per cent to the reference price, which will be set shortly. 作为回报,这些股权单位将以高出参考价20%的价格转换成股票。
Some suggestions for its application in China, including compulsive insurance, main body of policy holder, market admittance policy, return of premium, are presented. 同时,针对该模式在我国土建工程施工安全风险管理中的应用,提出了关于强制性保险、投保主体、市场准入制度及保费返还的建议。
The difference between the return rate on stock and the return rate on the risk-free securities is equity risk premium Rm-Rf. 股票收益率与无风险债券收益率之间的差被称为股权风险溢价(Rm&Rf)。
The return of fund has not obvious risk premium effect and has does not show the characteristic of "high risk, high return". 基金收益率没有显著的风险溢价效应,没有体现出高风险高回报、低风险低回报的特征。
It is agreed that the lessee has the right of claim by the lesser, seller and lessee; In this part, the article first discusses the insured's right of claim and his right of asking for the return of premium. 在该部分中,本文首先对被保险人的索赔权和保险费的返还请求权进行了论述。
It is found that Beta does not have explanatory power to future stock return over the two different portfolios whether the sign of the risk premium is taken into consideration or not. 在不考虑市场风险溢价符号时,规模对股票收益具有显著的解释能力,规模效应存在。
The results turn out that under the assumption that industry bankruptcy probability below 0.01 and investment return above 4%, the theoretical premium volume that the industry can write in year 2008 is around 14.62 billon RMB. 结果发现,在破产概率不大于0.01,投资回报率不低于4%的假设前提下,中国财产保险行业在2008年理论上可承保的保费约为146.19亿元。
They think that, in the option pricing does not take into account any risk return, because the price of options is included, this part of the risk premium, rather than risk and return that had never existed. 他们认为,在对期权定价时不考虑任何风险回报,是因为期权的价格里已经包括了这部分风险报酬,而不是说风险报酬从来就没存在过。
All paper listed at the industry rate of return used as explanatory variables, in theory building and empirical research to analyze both the extent of the impact of IPO premium. 所以本文选用上市日行业收益率作为解释变量,从理论构建和实证研究两方面去分析对其IPO溢价程度的影响。